Retail industries face many challenges, as they are a public entity. Dealing with the public daily causes its own obstacles.
Most retail stores have an open store front that anybody can visit during business hours. There are challenges with such an open public environment. Theft, Robbery, and vandalism are 3 main challenges we have seen.
DSI Solutions
DSI Integrated Security offers a complete suite of retail security solutions that work together to provide multiple layers of protection, enhancing retail intelligence, security and retail visibility.
Access Control
Retail businesses need to protect their inventory and cash. Having restricted access to the rooms/ warehouse that house these is necessary. This can be done with a keypad or card reader entry that allows access while also logging who has accessed these areas and when the access occurred.
Safety & Vandalism
Employee safety as well as public consumer safety is something to pay attention to in today’s world. Using surveillance to identify safety hazards, potential threats, and even to identify a perpetrator when vandalism or theft occurs. With the use of advanced analytic cameras, a person can be tracked throughout the store easily.
Your All-in-One Security Solution
A complete DSI Integrated Security solution can provide security integration for your retail business. The result is a more secure retail environment, along with better intelligence and visibility, so you can improve the experience where customers shop and display your merchandise with confidence.