Elevated Temperature Screening Kiosk FAQ
Our whole world has changed with the beginning of this pandemic. Everyone keeps talking about the new normal. What does that mean for you? What does that mean for your business? As we all have, I’m sure you’ve had to implement new policies and procedures to keep your business open and safe. How have these things worked for you? Well, you are reading this FAQ right now, which leads me to believe you are still looking to take your business’s safety to the next level and ultimately, you still have some questions. You’ve come to the right place!
How Does Your Temperature Screening Kiosk Work?
It’s pretty simple. Our elevated temperature screener is different than most, for a few reasons. It starts with where we get our temperature readings. Our kiosk takes the temperature from the inner canthus (inner eye) instead of the forehead. To do this, we use a radiometric thermal imaging camera that produces accurate temperature data from every pixel of an image. The temperature data that is collected is then processed and displayed on a 7” HD LED screen. Temperatures in a safe range are then given a green light, both on-screen and with a green LED light located on top of the kiosk. Alternatively, an elevated temperature will trigger a red stop sign on screen and an external LED red light on top of the kiosk. And when the temperature screening kiosk is attached to access control, a signal is then sent to the door to either lock or unlock depending on temperature results. And with an accuracy of ±.5°, it’s an easy addition to any business’s safety plan.
What is Radiometric Thermal Imaging?
To fully understand radiometric thermal imaging, we must start by understanding what infrared energy is. Infrared energy radiant energy that comes of every object that we can sense heat from. While every object has infrared energy, it is invisible to the human eye. We’ve all seen the images of a red and orange face radiating heat. That’s taken by an infrared camera. Radiometric thermal imaging is taking the same image and instead of just viewing the emitting heat, measuring it. These measurements get sent back to a screen that is then read as temperatures. In short, radiometric thermal imaging is the measuring of infrared heat with an infrared camera.
Can You Scan Multiple People At Once?
The short answer is, no. The only way to screen multiple people at one time is with multiple screening devices. The most accurate way to measure a person’s body temperature is through their tear duct. It would be impossible to scan multiple tear ducts at the same time with the same device. Companies that claim to scan multiple people at a time are likely using forehead scanners which are extremely inaccurate. However, DSI’s temperature screening kiosk can scan individuals in 3-seconds, which is one of the fastest in the industry. But as far as scanning multiple people at the same time? There is simply no effective and safe way to measure multiple people at the same time with the same screening device.
Why Don’t Forehead Scanners Work?
According to experts, forehead scanners are “notoriously inaccurate”. This is because they are taking the temperature from the surface of our skin. Our skin temperature fluctuates based on our environment. If your local temperature is hot, your skin will be hotter than in the middle of winter. The variance in skin temperature makes it impossible for a forehead scanner to continually deliver an accurate reading. To get a non-invasive, consistent, and accurate temperature reading, experts suggest using the inner canthus to screen individuals for elevated temperatures. The inner canthus is more accurate because a person’s body temperature is more consistent and doesn’t fluctuate as much as skin temperature.
Does Elevated Temperature Screening Detect the Coronavirus?
Detecting the Coronavirus (Covid-19) requires a specialized medical test that specifically tests for the virus. Temperature screening devices are just thermometers that test individuals on a large scale. These screening devices scan individuals to find people with elevated body temperatures, which is an indication someone may have Covid-19. Even if someone screened has an elevated temperature, it does not mean that individual has tested positive for Covid-19. Individuals with elevated temperatures are usually denied access to their office or school and are encouraged to go get an official Covid-19 test at a medical facility. A temperature screening kiosk can not determine if someone has Covid-19. It can only detect a fever which is a symptom of Covid-19. When a temperature screening kiosk is paired with a screening form, the safety of employees or students is increased significantly.
How Can a Temperature Screening Kiosk Protect My Business?
A temperature screening kiosk protects your business by mitigating potentially sick people from entering your office or school. By doing this, you are protecting your employees, students, and visitors from potential community spread. In businesses where community spread occurred, they shut down for multiple weeks. When this happens, companies are potentially losing millions in lost production and governmental fines. Screening everyone that enters your facility significantly reduces the risk of that happening. The moment an elevated temperature is detected, that person can be immediately sent home. Virtually eliminating any chance of contact and community spread. Which in turn limits the possibility of your business shutting down, losing production, and losing money. Temperature screening kiosks keep your employees safe and keep your business making money.
Click here to learn more about temperature screening kiosks.